Saturday 6 June 2015

LO5: Reflection On feedback

After our meeting with Vicky Kilby we received a few things our team need to improve.

You can tell who our target audience is by our script, it relates to the lifestyle by mentioning conventions such as EGX. The script shows that it is more aimed at males by mentioning games with an action genre which is stereotypically something a boy would more interested in. The age of the target audience are teenage boys, so (13-19). The script for the Games Corner shows that it is aimed at local people because it is on Sheffield Live so it is Yorkshire based.

*More information needed to be included from a larger variety of games releases.
*Research for local gaming events as well as development and tech.

We will improve our script by following these two points, which should lengthen the script and include more relevant information which will interest the audience.

We were succcesful in:

*Following the genre in the script.
*Script was written well and shared well between both presenters.
*The language and form in the script was understandable for the target audience.
*We had an upbeat tone.

1. In this unit we created a 5 minute TV News Broadcast script which is created to be broacasted on to Sheffield Live! The show is named The Games Corner and the target audience are people who play a lot of games and have an interest in finding out about new game releases and reviews. The Games Corner has a NRS social grade of C1, D & Eno most of the viewers don't have a large income. The script refers to the target audience as it talks about mainstream games that are inexpensive.

2. Vicky mentioned that our script contained relativity good information but felt like we didn't go in to much depth on some topics. She agreed with our form and style and said we spread everything out fairly but our script was more international than just targeted at people from Sheffield. We now have to do research on local gaming events and conventions which we shall include into the script. This is important as Vicky has experience and knows how to make it look professional and up to standards.

3.We need to make minor changes to our TV News Broadcast and make it more local and more in depth. We will talk more about game play and new releases. We also need to add more camera directions in order to make it more descriptive. This will make our script up to standards and more professional, as well as helping us conect to the target audience.

4.Our content and layout meets the conventions of a TV News Broadcast. Vicky says how the script follows all the conventions and told us how nicely we had presented the script. Our language was informal as we aimed for presenters to be relaxed and be themselves, this will help connect with the young audience. We were still very informative and followed conventions. The house style used follows the conventions as it was written in the font Courier size 12. This makes it clear to follow and all the team can follow this script. When writing our script we ensured that  it follows the typical conventions of a script with the location, GFX and SFX on the right hand side, the dialogue in the centre and the camera actions on the left hand side. The mode of address we used was both peer to peer and teacher to pupil so it can both be informative but with a relaxed nature. Nothing has been missed out on the script be we need to work on being more specific.
This will help the script be more descriptive to both the presenters, the camera team and the editing team. 

5. Ofcom Broadcasting codes shows that our script is appropriate for children under 18. The show is broadcasted mid day so must be pre- watershed. This means offensive language, sexual, drugs or violent refrences can not be included. Our script is free from any of these and follows the Ofcom code. Because of this we have not mentioned any games that are aged 18. All legal and ethical issues have been considered. We don't want to be portraying anything inappropriate to the audience, so we have abided the Ofcom codes. We would receive copyright for both music and graphics by asking for permission to use and credit in our show. We do this in order for us not getting sued. We will ensure that all information is not libel which means false information. We would have to source our information and official websites, this is very important to ensure no information given is false.



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